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Adoption of the LeanIX Tech Category Catalog

  • 10 July 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello everyone,

we are currently in the process of categorizing our IT components using the LeanIX Tech Category Catalog. However, we often encounter difficulties in finding the right categories for certain technologies due to the predefined hierarchy based on the TBM Solutions Layer. For instance, we created a custom tech category called "Operating Systems" with subcategories "Mobile OS", "Server OS", and "Workstation OS" to better fit our needs. Additionally, we developed a separate category for "Languages and Frameworks".

Since this approach diverges from the intended use of the catalog, I am curious about how others in the community handle these challenges. Do you adhere strictly to the catalog, adapt it to meet your specific needs, or create entirely new categories?

I appreciate any insights and experiences you are willing to share!

Best regards,


2 replies


 Sorry, i wish I had an answer for you to share.  We are just adopting LeanIX now and I’m trying to import TBM Tech categories and getting errors that we exceeded hierarchy quota.  Glad you got the TBM imported, but we even do that fully?  strange


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Hi @Keith Vargas ,

That error is due to the fact that the import is attempting to create a hierarchy deeper that the max defined in the Meta Model. You will need to increase the max level for the Fact Sheet type:


@JulianS: We have not extended the TBM Tech Categories that we started with. Yet. We may need to, but I’m hopping that the whole Tech Category will get some TLC by LeanIX in a not too distance future. This also has some impact in ServiceNow integration in case we decide to sync Tech Categories… Which one should be the source of true? We will have to look at the whole area soon, but we haven’t got to it yet.

