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We would like to “freeze” the entire LeanIX workspace for maintenance. Only three selected people having user role “Admin” should be allowed to edit within the workspace. All people having ‘Member’ user role should only be allowed to view (just as people having ‘Viewer’ user role’). 

Hopefully there’s an easier way of doing this than to manually start changing the ‘Member’ permissions for each and every LeanIX object (application, IT component, etc.) in our workspace? Any thoughts would be welcome. Thanks.

Hi @Emanuel, it’s not that easy unfortunately, but maybe there are better solutions.

May I ask about your intention behind this “freeze”? I have been able to manage one of the largest LeanIX workspaces for many years without such a freeze, so I’m pretty sure that we will find a technical solution to realize what you have in mind.

Some first ideas:

  • Scripted mass-change of permissions in the meta model and restore after the “freeze”
  • Scripted mass-change of user roles and restore after the “freeze”
  • No “freeze”, but rather a replay of the changelog after the frozen period

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your reply. We want to bulk import applications from another EA tool in our workspace, and during this bulk import period we don’t want anyone to create or update applications. That’s why we would like to freeze the workspace during bulk import.


Hi @Emanuel.

LeanIX imports usually only run for a few minutes, so I’m not sure if it’s worth the effort to lock down the whole system. Or are you running some kind of extract/merge/reimport logic that will take hours or even days?

Instead of locking down the system, I would rather use a smart importing mechanism that makes sure that no data is overwritten. If you like, we can have a quick look at your scenario together - maybe there are other ways to go.

Hi @Thomas Schreiner,

We need to import application data of a relatively large number of countries. Our team would plan to do four countries a day (because we need to properly prepare for each country upload) - so it would take several days. During this period we want the environment to be stable to ensure we can do proper checks (“counts” etc.) on the environment to ensure all went well. We just don’t want online updates or creates to intervene while we are importing the data of all these countries.

That’s an interesting approach. I would consider these options:

  • Restrict the Member permissions for Applications during the freeze period
  • Alternatively - if your user roles are managed in LeanIX -  temporarily do a scripted downgrade of all MEMBERs to VIEWERs and mass-revert them to MEMBER after the freeze period.

Hi this can be easily and simply achieved by editing the user role types in the admin panel. You’ll be able to remove Importing, updating, etc for specific or all factsheet types. Read more here.


Another solution that I have seen work well, is IF you have a LeanIX workspace you can clone down to your sandbox instance (this has a standard usage restriction sometimes) and begin your work + checks there. While, also removing the import + edit abilities in production. Once done you can then clone upwards to production with your newly refreshed data. 

Thanks Thomas and Justin, helpful answers!

