Benefits of Application Portfolio Assessment

  • 23 March 2023
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Userlevel 4

Application Portfolio Assessment with LeanIX: Maximizing the Benefits


In this article, we will explore the benefits of conducting an APA with LeanIX and how it can help organizations achieve their objectives.

  1. Reduces IT Costs

One of the most significant benefits of an APA with LeanIX is the reduction of IT costs. By identifying redundant, outdated, or underutilized applications, organizations can eliminate unnecessary expenses associated with application maintenance, upgrades, and licensing. An APA can also help identify opportunities for consolidation or replacement of applications, resulting in more streamlined IT infrastructure and lower overall costs.

  1. Provides Insights for Decision-making

Conducting an APA with LeanIX produces data-driven insights that drive informed and strategic planning decisions. The EAM tool enables companies to visualize data in the form of heatmaps, charts, and dashboards that facilitate analysis and identify areas for improvement. The application landscape insights help organizations in their decision-making process, such as determining which applications to retire, replace, or invest in.

  1. Improves Security and Compliance

Ensuring IT security and compliance are crucial for companies to reinforce their reputation and build customer trust. Conducting an APA with LeanIX, companies can identify applications that pose security risks and prioritize cybersecurity measures. Additionally, an APA can help standardize software utilization protocols, reducing the chance of data breaches that result from human error.

  1. Facilitates Collaboration

An APA with LeanIX improves collaboration among various IT teams and their business counterparts. The EAM tool provides a centralized source of information that fosters teamwork and facilitates a seamless flow of information. This, in turn, fosters faster and more informed decision-making, contributing to better outcomes and overall success.

  1. Enables Better IT Governance

LeanIX provides an integrated EAM platform that enables companies to manage, govern, and optimize their IT landscape effectively. The platform's flexible data model enables businesses to define their unique data objects and relationships, giving them accurate data that drives informed decision-making. An APA with LeanIX helps organizations implement better governance structures that standardize IT solutions across the enterprise.


What benefits have you achieved with application portfolio management tools like LeanIX? Are there any tips or best practices you can share with the community? Let's discuss!

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