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Cost Report on Provider Basis

  • 23 April 2024
  • 1 reply

Dear all,

we are currently diving into a very basic cost overview.

One of the basic reports are focusing on the provider, which is in general fine. As providers are only connected to the IT components in the meta model and not the Application itself I need to assign all IT components (which all have the  costs on them) to the provider again. That seems not a big issue for SaaS solutions (mostly there is just one IT component), but for on prem solutions / applications there can be maaaany IT components.

To be honest: My application owners will be lost if they have to add that information to providers and the applications. ;)

Do you guys have any hands on solution or automation in place for this issue?


Thanks and best,


1 reply

I’ve found you pretty much need another solution to achieve this.

  1. Cut up your IT budget as much as you can by application (typically catches all your SaaS, random software) - import this as basic IT components. Add some extra fields to the relationship so you can tag it to the source budget and blow them all away/update them next FY.
  2. Get a solution that plugs into your On-prem / IaaS provider that lets you summarise up the cost… e.g. tags in AWS by application if you are using that for IaaS and then taking an export out of cost manager.
    On-prem… good luck depending how you manage it :D
