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Hi all,

we try to identify redundant appliaction by a kind of application class or category. This categories are no it categories, so we don’t want to use the TBM framework, it is more business like. 

Examples for these categories are ERP systems, workflow tools, office solutions, etc. 

Has anybody an idea, if there is an standard framework for these kind of categories which we can reuse and how we implement these requirement within LeanIX EA?

This dimension would be an important crtieria additional to business capabilities and tech category, to rationalisize our portfolio. 

Hi @Florian ,

The SaaS Catalog uses categories -]=software. Check this thread: 


Hi Florian,


Using the Factsheet Type ‘Platform’ with a Platform type of ‘Technology Platforms’ and ‘Digital Platforms’, I have created such Factsheets for ‘ERP Systems’, BI, BPM, Workflow Systems etc.


Then specific applications Application Factsheets are linked with the ‘Digital Platforms’ as required.




@Florian you could do this by Categorisation but it will run into problems as you can only choose one and this will not highlight applications that have a large spread of functionality.

Depending on where you are with the definition of Business Capabilities and the number levels in your LeanIX inventory, the most robust (and classic EA) approach would be to explore applications that provide the same business capabilities.

Once you have identified applications that provide the same business capabilities you could set a tag, attribute, or relationship to an initiative or objective to help you set a course of action.

Hope this helps,


Hi Florian,

Using the Factsheet Type ‘Platform’ with a Platform type of ‘Technology Platforms’ and ‘Digital Platforms’, I have created such Factsheets for ‘ERP Systems’, BI, BPM, Workflow Systems etc.


As Sairam say, we have used the strategic “Platform” as for categories of applications, aka group of  application functions. 
The word “Platform” is some misleading and in conflict withe the new TechPlatform thats on the way by LeanIX
