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Hi all,


My team and I are looking for possibilities to integrate our architecture principles into LeanIX. Are there any community members with experiences on succesfully doing so? As of now we've communicated our architecture principles through Sharepoint, but we'd like to have LeanIX as our main source for all Enterprise Architecture related subjects.


Right now we're considering to use the Dashboard in order to state the principles, accompanied by a corresponding report. Hereby an example: A text column showing a cloud first principle with a statement that 'SaaS before PaaS, before IaaS' etc., accompanied by a report showing the current status (how much SaaS, on-premise, etc). See screenshot.

Any further ideas or experiences on showcasing architecture principles within LeanIX?


We have same thoughts  about Architectural Priciples.  Question is where to create the FactSheet?

we is  wondering if we can use them as SubType to Objectives

Hi @Steen Jensen,

Yes, using the Objectives factsheet with a specific subtype would be my first approach. You could then relate each Initiative/Project to the Objectives.

I would also consider adding a select field to the relationship to be able to specify adherence (something like Satisfies/Partially Satisfies/Does not Satisfy)...

Interesting video on this subject in the related question / post 

inserted by @Stephen Gates. Originally from 2018 before the meta-model was evolved as it is today but I like the simplicity of the approach for the principles.

It appears that most organisations embedding architecture principles are now using the Objectives factsheet as @Helder.Luz suggests.

We have introduced Architecture Principles by extending the Meta Model. This allows us to link them with Architecture Decision Records but also with Application and use them in drawings (Solution Architecture) to visualize alignment with them etc. 


