
Matrix of Legal Entities by Business-Unit and Region ?

  • 3 January 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi all,

I am doing my first steps in LeanIx but somehow im stuck.

I have added two bidirectional self-relations on organizations from LE to Region and from LE to Business-Unit. I am using MM 4.0 and I know that there is something in the works regarding modelling subtypes. “self-relations” are possible, but already with the configuration of labels etc. it feels “inconvenient”.

Use-Case: I want to create a simple matrix report that shows the LEs (cells) by Regions (X-axis) and Business-Units(Y-Axis)

Problem: I do not have the newly created relations in the x/y-axis settings of the matrix report. I cannot choose “Regions” or “Business Unit” for y and x axis.

Since this is conceptually and technically relatively clear to me, I wonder if this “works as designed” or if I am missing something.

Thanks, Sebastian.

1 reply

Userlevel 5

You might want to confirm with LeanIX support but according to the documentation the matrix report can only compare between “different” fact sheet types.

An alternative approach might be to make use of the OData Integration for Power BI and Tableau ( and create the desired report there from an OData enabled saved search that has the relations shown.


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