
Searching for apps that share the same vendor

  • 25 August 2023
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 3

Hi all, I have a new question:

Say we have applications made of IT components and each IT component is linked to a provider (i.e. vendor).

Can you search in the inventory for all apps that have at least 1 IT component from a specific vendor?


I have tried but I could not find how apart from accessing the relationship explorer for the provider I am interested into, but I’d like a search or a report instead.


Best answer by Thomas Schreiner 26 August 2023, 17:57

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4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +2

Hi @Roberto,

You can do it like this:

  • Open the Inventory
  • In the side bar, select the fact sheet type “Application”
  • In the side bar, look for the section “IT Components”. If you cannot find it, you need to un-hide it first using the side bar settings.
  • In the side bar’s IT Component section, click on “Advanced filter”.
  • In the advanced filters side bar, look for the “Provider” section, or enter the provider name in the top filter bar. 
  • Select the provider, and you will get a list of IT Components for this provider.
  • Click on “Use Filter” at the bottom right.

=> You will get an inventory view with those applications that have one or more IT Components of the Provider that you selected. 

Userlevel 3

Thanks Thomas, that works! - any way you know this could be made into a report that lists all providers and the # of apps associated to each one?

Userlevel 6
Badge +2

If you only need the numbers and not necessarily in LeanIX itself, you can run the following script in LeanIX Console:

for provider in Provider.all():
apps_per_provider = set(app["id"] for itc in provider.itcomponents() for app in itc.applications())
print(provider["displayName"] + ": " + str(len(apps_per_provider)))

It will print an output like this:

IBM: 9
Microsoft: 5
Red Hat: 4 1
SAP: 5
Suse: 8
Veeam Software: 2

You can also easily turn this into .csv or .xlsx if needed.

Alternatively, if you need it in LeanIX itself, you could write a custom report, but that’s a bit more work.

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Thanks Thomas, that works! - any way you know this could be made into a report that lists all providers and the # of apps associated to each one?

Another thing you can try is using a Matrix report for IT Components, then select Applications in the Y-axis and Providers in the X-Axis (or the other way around). That will give you a full picture, but you can filter on each of the FactSheet types to constrain as required.


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