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Hello Experts,

Need your help in understanding the usage of TIME and 6R methodologies.

At most places it mentions 6R is more towards the applications - focused to move on Cloud (no wonder it was proposed by AWS) however, when it comes to APM for an enterprise what should be the ideal way of choosing the right method of Application assessment? Should it be just TIME or combination of both.

Any experience around this topic will be helpful.




@Santosh_leanXUser my advice would be to pick one methodology only, the choice would depend on what your objectives are. We use TIME and would advocate it because the choices are fewer and less prone to error of interpretation, with an easy default of “Tolerate”.

Hi ​@Santosh_leanXUser ,

I have not used the 6R framework yet, but I’m using the Gartner TIME methodology for running our Application Rationalization project. The benefit of the TIME methodology is that it’s quite simple to explain to IT &  business stakeholders and it provides a good framework to decide what to do with our applications.
The 6R framework seems to be a bit more “tech focus”. According to leanIX documentation, it has been created to support Application Modernisation (in other words, cloudisation) projects.

Thanks Justin and Didier for sharing your thoughts .
