We want to give specific permissions to users like to be able to see finantial data or to export a factsheet type but we want to minimize manegement effort.
According to the documentation, a user always need to have a standard role but custom roles takes precedence and their permissions are aggregated. So, if a user have Member role and custom roles A and B, I assume he will have the permissions from custom role A and B aggregated and nothing from Member.
If so, and in order to have all combinations of roles, what would be the best approach?
-Option 1 (use only one of the following)
Custom role A - copied from Member and see finantial data
Custom role B - copied from Member and export factsheets
Custome role C - copied from Member and see finantial data and export factsheets
-Option 2 (use any aggregation of A plus the others ex. A+B, A+C, A+B+C)
Custom role A - base member role copied from custom Member
Custom role B - see finantial data
Custom role C - export factsheets
In my opinion option 2 escalates better when you add new specific permissions.
Hope it’s clear.
Thank you,