
What do you think of the federated search capability?

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hi all,

we integrated different sources into the central search capability of the Community. The idea is that you don’t have to search for answers and content on different places, but get answers directly on a single go-to platform.

The search lists results from the following sources:

  • The Community itself
  • LeanIX Documentation, clustered by product (SMP, EAM, VSM, and Shared Services)
  • LeanIX Academy


What is your feedback, does that capability help you to find answers faster? 
What are you usually searching for that you do not discuss with your LeanIX contacts (Customer Success Manager, Support, ...)?

2 replies

Userlevel 4

Hello @Carsten Schütz ,
I really appreciate this approach. Will the forum be migrated to the community? - If it stays it may be very useful to include it into the federated search.

Best regards,


Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hi @Carsten

hey, great name by the way. 😉

The old forum will be removed. You’re not able to create new posts or replies over there. We will work on analysing the content that’s in it to create valuable articles and input for our knowledge base.That’s why we didn’t include it into the federated search.

I hope that sheds some light on why it’s not included.

Best, Carsten



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