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Dear Lean IX Community,

I am just starting to add Organization to the workspace. I have imported an excel spreadsheet with all the  fact sheets I want to have under organization. Though I don't know how to adjust the spreadsheet so when I import it, the fact sheets already match their subtypes.

I tried to create new column with subtype directly in the spreadsheet, but it didn’t solve the problem and I had to define the subtype manually. Also when I export existing fact sheets, there is no reference to subtypes I could possibly adjust.
Please does someone know how to solve this so I can have all fact sheet subtypes in place when importing the excel spreadsheet.
I will be happy to get any advice.

Kind regards,

What I have found to work best is start by filtering your existing inventory, assuming you have at least one fact sheet of the type you eventually want to import. That provides a point of reference template and some example data. Then: 

  1. Select the table view.
  2. Select the “select columns” icon.
  3. Add any columns to your view that you will later want to import, such as subtype.
  4. Export that to use as your import template.
  5. Update that exported spreadsheet to turn it into your import spreadsheet so that upon import it will add, change, or delete fact sheets.




I am a rookie and working with a mostly standard, out-of-the-box configuration that was recently provisioned. If you follow the above and do not see subtype as an option, your configuration may be different.

@Mark Arend great post and is certainly true of workspace configurations started at or converted to Meta-Model v4.

Workspaces with earlier versions of the meta-model may need to follow the steps outlined here Configure Workspace for Meta Model v4 ( and the subtype may be called “category”.

@Mark Arend That is really helpful! I just updated all subtypes in my workplace. 

Thank you for your detailed explanation! 😄

Thank you @Mark Arend for sharing your best practice!
