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When I export as xlsx an inventory view in table form, the resulting file lists the Authentication Type as "AuthType1" or "AuthType2" etc and not what they really are. Any way to fix this? Or setting or something I can change to get these to match?


thats a configuration issue

@God can you provide any guidance on what exactly is not configured properly? Thank you.

Hi @mcastrigno. When you created the dropdown options for “AuthenticationType”, you (or your LeanIX admin) created the IDs and the translated values. The Excel export only shows the IDs, but not the values.

If you want the Excel export to look “better”, you could do it like this:

1.) In the meta model configuration, create new IDs that have better names, like “NoAuthentication” instead of “AuthType1” etc.
2.) Migrate the old IDs to the new ones using Excel export + search/replace + Excel import
3.) Delete the old IDs

This config section shows the value and its ID:


@Thomas Schreiner here is what that panel looks like. I don’t see where I even have “AuthType”


There 🙂 It’s in parentheses after the value, but your values are so long that LeanIX cuts off the IDs. You will have to create new values + IDs if you want to fix this.


@Thomas Schreiner thank you for helping me a do appreciate it. Forgive my basic questions. I am not the primary administrator but rather someone working on ways to automate getting information out of LeanIX to another program. The existing method goes this route.

When you say “new IDs” do you mean a whole new fact sheet? Or do you mean shorter values? Is this a hard limitation on LeanIX? 

Thank you.

I would recommend to ask your primary administrator to add new values to the list, but this time make sure that their IDs are human-readable, like “NoAuthentication” instead of “AuthType1”. The actual values don’t matter.

After you added the new values, he/she can migrate the old IDs to the new IDs via Excel export + search/replace + Excel import, and then delete the old “AuthType1..4” IDs.

To avoid any misunderstanding: No, you don’t need to create new fact sheets. It’s just a change in the meta model configuration, plus an export/import mass data migration.

@Thomas Schreiner Hmmm… other fields are not being transformed like this. I think this is because this one is Rendered As “Status” and that rendering has limitations.


@Thomas Schreiner  I don’t think “AuthType1” is something the administrator created at all. I think this was generated by LeanIX itself as “AuthType1”, AuthType2 etc appears nowhere in the configuration.


Somebody created the IDs manually, either your admin or LeanIX support / CSM.

Yes, the IDs appear in the configuration, but you cannot see them because your labels are too long for the LeanIX UI to display. I marked it in the screen shot above.

Other values are not transformed like this because the person who created the other values made sure that their IDs describe the value correctly.

If you can spare 15 minutes, I‘ll fix it with you and your admin. Feel free to get in touch via direct message.

Although this is not a solution right now, there is a Roadmap item ( that is intended to address this. For now the only chance is to recreate the IDs of the allowed values as @Thomas Schreiner mentions. Or, do the translation via Excel formulas after the export.
