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I am interested in finding out if other users have added additional category types to gain more insights and value from this field. The current two types:  API and Logical are limited  and the type  Logical is very general and catch all types.  Thank you.

Yes, we recently initiated an effort to better document interfaces and came to a similar conclusion.  We added SOAP, REST, sftp, messaging, and several other sub-categories in order to capture the additional detail.  

Thank you DL Hobson,  appreciate it, we are on the same page.

@Mazen we have not used the category for this purpose as there is a very specific purpose to create inter-relationships between Interface factsheets documented here

Instead we set up a new attribute of a filterable single-select list, with the many values the integration team requested.


Good find, @Justin Swift . We have found interfaces to be challenging to explain and laborious to apply.

In reading the v4 documentation, it sounds like Logical interfaces are what we need the most.

Business data flow using the Logical Interface subtype. If you focus on business-oriented data flow, you should model your connections using the Logical Interface. This approach involves linking Applications and Interfaces and provides a comprehensive view of how business processes interact with different Applications through Logical Interfaces


We want to model logical data flow, but also identify “efficient” versus “inefficient” methods. Especially calling out things like CSV file exports, log shipping, FTP, etc. I’ll think about adding an attribute of transfer method to the interface fact sheet.

@jalon zimmerman the standard Interface Factsheet needed a lot of extra fields so it could act as a catalogue for us. Some are mandatory, others are optional for setting the quality seal from draft to approved. Feel free to use the image in previous post for inspiration for those relevant to your business. It certainly helps analysis and technical risk management if you have some attributes of interest.

Hi all,

little Survey: what Custom Fields are you using in Properties?

Which are the most helpful to describe an Interface in detail?

 @Justin Swift thanks for the screenshot, which field is hiding left from “Source Data Format”?

Mine currently looks like this, but im not so happy with “Communication Protocol” yet, think about “Category” just to have a simple classification to be used in Reports, Lists etc.


@Florian Steurer the hidden field is nothing earth shattering, just the “Max Payload Size”. I will mention the Trigger and Attachments fields to the Integrations team.
