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Navigating Data Quality Challenges in LeanIX

  • 12 July 2024
  • 3 replies

Maintaining top-notch data quality in LeanIX requires a strategic approach amidst persistent hurdles. Here's a tailored roadmap to overcome these obstacles and ensure data integrity:

1. Define Data Quality Standards: Establish precise criteria for well-maintained Fact Sheets. Outline clear rules governing Fact Sheet completeness. Use LeanIX’s completion weights and set a completion score that reflects your quality criteria. 
2. Visualize Performance Metrics: Develop visual analytics to pinpoint organizations excelling in data quality and those lagging. Enable stakeholders to track their performance against defined benchmarks seamlessly. Use dashboards to understand where you have missing information.
3. Streamline Data Quality ProcessesAutomate notifications to alert subscribers promptly about quality issues. Craft crystal-clear messages for quick resolution of data gaps.

4. Future-proof Data Integrity: Implement automated processes to calculate relations, tags, and attributes accurately. Integrate LeanIX with CMDB and other third-party systems for seamless data synchronization. Automate subscription management and user updates to maintain data relevance.
5. Empower Stakeholders: Institute incentives and monitoring mechanisms to uphold data quality standards. Foster stakeholder engagement at every stage of the LeanIX operating model journey.

By honing in on these tailored strategies, LeanIX users can navigate data quality challenges effectively, ensuring that data remains a reliable foundation for informed decision-making.

We invite all members of our community to share their journey with us. If you've overcome data quality hurdles and implemented successful strategies within your organization, we'd love to hear about it. Your experiences can inspire and guide the rest of the community towards achieving data quality excellence.

Pablo Torre - Customer Success Manager

3 replies

Userlevel 4

We’ve been addressing data quality for months (and months!). Here is some perspective on your five points from our journey.

  1. Agreed, but LeanIX’s completion scores are insufficient. Completion scores do not account for tags and subscriptions, while the quality seal configuration does. It is possible therefore to have a fact sheet with 100% completeness but not able to approve the quality seal. We’ve disabled the completeness calculation and replaced it with our own completeness attributes that are calculated by external workflows. We use those new attributes in reports, and in turn, in dashboards. More on that in #2 below.

    We have what we call our Definitions of Completeness document. In it, we identify every attribute, tag, subscription, and relationship that must be present for the quality seal to be approved and for the fact sheet to be considered 100% complete (by our calculations, not LeanIX’s). We do that for every fact sheet type. We review that document every quarter to proactively identify how our meta model is planned to change over time.
  2. We calculate Percent Completeness and Percent Completeness Segment. We have several ranges/segments into which we group the raw completeness. This allows us to generate a landscape report and color the fact sheet boxes by segment. Visuals with colors elicit more of a response than tabular listings.
  3. I’d like to learn more about this. When a quality seal breaks, the Responsible(s) get notification. What other kind of notifications are suggested or are other customers using?
  4. Agreed. This is a big one. We have multiple custom integrations with ServiceNow to keep relationships between applications and IT components up to date. For example, we have IT components for our server operating systems. We have a workflow that uses the application-to-server mappings in ServiceNow to create and remove relationships between the LeanIX applications and the corresponding OS IT component. We do not import servers into LeanIX at all. We also do this with databases and other installed software. These workflows are complex and run every day to keep up with our upgrade cycles.
  5. Agreed, but altruism and incentives can only go so far. We have focused on accountability. Maintaining data quality by keeping quality seals approved is now a part of every subscribed architect’s goals and they will be held accountable during performance reviews. This work must be prioritized. That’s the biggest hurdle we are facing. In a matrixed environment with competing priorities and workloads, it’s important to keep this work near the top of the stack.
Userlevel 1

These are all very useful points - thanks!


In line with points 2 & 5...our team has been asked to report on and govern data quality progress by operating team. (e.g. business solutions, IT ops etc) Have any of you found a method to group subscribers and roll up their completeness scores?  

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Hi @KevinR ,

Thank you for contributing to our community by sharing your best practices around data quality.

Regarding point #3 In our system, you have the capability to create automated workflows, which could serve as an additional filter to ensure that the appropriate parties are notified when a quality seal breaks.

Our automation tools are no-code features that allow you to establish automated workflows triggered by certain events on fact sheets. As an admin user, these features can help in several ways such as:

- Simplifying manual tasks
- Enhancing user engagement
- Encouraging collaboration
- Ensuring data quality within your workspace

To configure automation, simply navigate to the administration area and open *Automation*. Here you can set specific events to trigger automation, such as when a "Quality seal changes to: Approve, Broken, Draft, or Rejected". This transition then triggers automation that assigns a to-do item to specific users.

Moreover, we provide an option for *Fixed Fact Sheet subscriptions* which allows you to automatically assign users or groups to fact sheets. This feature eliminates the need for manual work in maintaining automation rules. 

Remember, these automation tools are only accessible to admin users. I hope this gives you some ideas on how other customers are using our automation features and the benefits they can provide.


Pablo Torre - Customer Success
