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Portal "Request Now" Link to New Application Fact Sheet Entry Form?

  • 27 June 2024
  • 1 reply

As a bit of a follow up to this topic: How to include Application displayName in "Request Now" Action Button of Application Portal | Community (


I am wondering if it is possible to redirect the “Request Now” button in the Portal to open a form for filling out a new fact sheet. I have just created a Data Quality Governance process with tagging and To-Dos for making sure applications are entered with good data quality, and having the portal as an entry point for new manual application requests to take advantage of this would be great.

1 reply

Userlevel 5

@Shane interesting idea, as any URL could be used in the portal setup. Unfortunately, the create new factsheet action does not generate a URL that can be referenced as far as I can tell.

Maybe there is a more technical approach available or this might be a new suggestion in the portals product roadmap.
