Revamped Community Categories - What do you think?

  • 8 December 2023
  • 6 replies
Revamped Community Categories - What do you think?
Userlevel 5
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Hello everyone,

It's been 7 months since we launched our LeanIX Digital Community! We now have more than 1,000 community members and we're still growing!

We thought it's time to take a closer look at all the categories and incorporate the feedback you've already provided. We have moved away from use case centric categories to better relate your questions and the knowledge you share to the LeanIX product areas. As a result, we are introducing two new top-level categories, EAM Best Practices and EA Leadership. While the former is focused on the aforementioned product areas, the latter is all about successfully establishing an EA discipline.

We're in the process of curating all the posts, questions, and answers and moving them into the categories where they best fit. This will take some time, but we're on it.

  • EAM Best Practices
    • Meta Model
    • Dashboard & KPIs
    • Inventory
    • Reports
    • Diagrams
    • Discovery & Reference Catalogs
    • Collaboration & Automation
    • Integrations & APIs
  • EA Leadership
    • Combine EA with Generative AI
    • EA Governance
    • Adoption and Change with LeanIX

We’re excited about this update! What do you think?

6 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Love it. I found the previous categories confusing. 

is there a way authors can help with the move to speed up the change?

Wondering where conversations about SMP, SaaS Discovery, Reference Catalogs, other admin features would go?

Userlevel 6
Badge +2

Awesome, much better! More focused on the tool itself and its capabilities. Thanks @Carsten Schütz 

Userlevel 5
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@Carsten Schütz I’m wondering if “EAM Best Practices” is better named “EAM Questions” because:

  • It aligns with the “Unanswered Questions” filter
  • It doesn’t overlap with “Guides and Best Practices” in the Knowledge Base.

Perhaps “Guides and Best Practices” should be renamed “Use Case Best Practices” as that’s how the categories under it are arranged. Some questions that haven’t been moved yet may sit better under here, e.g., 

Userlevel 5
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@Thomas Schreiner Thanks a lot for your positive feedback!

@Stephen Gates We’re still moving posts, especially those you’ve mentioned. Also, we’re looking into the SMP/Discovery/Data Catalogs topic + a revamp of the knowledge base. More to come… 😁

Userlevel 5
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Another update is in!

  • We added the category “Discovery & Reference Catalog” to discuss everything around SaaS discovery and catalogs
  • We extended the category “Integrations” to “Integrations & APIs”

Both updates are marked in blue in the initial post.

Knowledge Base: We have taken the Best Practices categories offline for now, as we plan to work on improvements to the Knowledge Base in early 2024.

Userlevel 1

A community like this is a must, we are in a work to migrate from Sparx EA to LeanIX and i was using the Sparx EA Community a lot.
I expect to find answers to a lot of questions here and to have a good discussion about thoughts and problems that other already have solved in diffrent ways.

Keep up the good work and happy spirit :)


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